Choose to have an impact
on their field and in their future
It’s our mission to convince businesses and corporations of immeasurable value of preserving craft traditions and Italy’s long tradition of artistic patronage.
When your business supports the endeavors of The Place of Wonders, you’re communicating to your network, partners, and clients that you are contributing to one of the most worthwhile causes in this country; the preservation and amplification of artisanal excellence for the next generation.

Adopt a young scholarship recipient in training at LAO in Florence.

Contribute to preserving Italian artisanship and to supporting new craft talent in your region.
If you are a business, you can:
Deduct cash donations from income for an amount not exceeding 30,000 euros or 2% of the declared business income (art.100, comma 2, lettera h del D.P.R. 917/86);
Deduct from the total net income donations in cash for an amount not exceeding 10% of the total declared (art.83, comma 2 del D. Lgs. 3 luglio 2017, n. 117).